Information Ethics GroupPublications

| Articles | Special Issues | Chapters | Books | Theses |

The following publications are in (approximately) reverse chronological order. Links are given to electronic copies, where available. If you would like a copy of any publication for which no links are available, please write to the author or to the group's web administrator.

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The documents distributed by this server have been provided by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.


| 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2002 | 2001 | 1999 |


L. Floridi, "A look into the future impact of ICT on our lives", The Information Society. 2007, 23(1): 59-64. [pdf]
An abridged and modified version was published in TidBITS.

M. Turilli, "Ethical Protocols Design", Ethics and Information Technology. 2007, 9(1): 49-62. [pdf]


P. Allo, "Local Information and Adaptive Consequence", Logique & Analyse, 2006, 49(196): 461-488. [pdf]

P. Allo and L. Floridi, "Logic and the Philosophy of Information", Logique & Analyse, 2006, 49(196). [pdf]

S. Sequoiah-Grayson, "Information Flow and Impossible Situations", Logique & Analyse. 2006, 49(196): 371-398. [pdf]

L. Floridi, "Information Technologies and the Tragedy of the Good Will", Ethics and Information Technology. 2006, 8(4): 253-262. [pdf]

L. Floridi, "Four Challenges for a Theory of Informational Privacy", Ethics and Information Technology. 2006, 8(3): 109-119. [pdf]


L. Floridi, "The Ontological Interpretation of Informational Privacy", Ethics and Information Technology. 2005, 7(4): 185-200. [pdf]

M. Taddeo - L. Floridi, "Solving the symbol grounding problem: a critical review of fifteen years of research", Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. 2005, 17(4): 419-445. [pdf]

L. Floridi, "Consciousness, Agents and the Knowledge Game", Minds and Machines. 2005, 15(3-4): 415-444. [pdf]

L. Floridi, "The Philosophy of Presence: From Epistemic Failure to Successful Observation", Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments. 2005, 14(6): 656-667. [pdf]

G. M. Greco - G. Paronitti - M. Turilli - L. Floridi, "How to Do Philosophy Informationally", Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence. 2005, 3782: 623-634. [pdf]


G. M. Greco - L. Floridi, "The Tragedy of the Digital Commons", Ethics and Information Technology. 2004, 6(2): 73-81. [pdf]

L. Floridi - J W Sanders, "On the morality of artificial agents", Minds and Machines. 2004, 14(3): 349-379. [pdf]


L. Floridi - J W Sanders, "Computer Ethics: Mapping the Foundationalist Debate", Ethics and Information Technology. 2002, 4(1). [pdf].

L. Floridi, "Information Ethics: An Environmental Approach to the Digital Divide", Philosophy in the Contemporary World. 2002 9(1): 39-46. [pdf].


L. Floridi, "Ethics in the Infosphere", The Philosophers' Magazine. 2001, 6: 18-19. [pdf]

L. Floridi - J W Sanders, "Artificial Evil and the Foundation of Computer Ethics", Ethics and Information Technology. 2001, 3(1): 55-66. [pdf]
[CEPE 2000 Conference video]


L. Floridi - J W Sanders, "Entropy as Evil in Information Ethics", Etica Politica, special issue on Computer Ethics. 1999, I(2).

L. Floridi, "Information Ethics: On the Theoretical Foundations of Computer Ethics", Ethics and Information Technology. 1999, 1(1): 37-56. [pdf]

Special Issues

L. Floridi (Guest editor with Julian Savulescu), Ethics and Information Technology (Springer), special issue on Information Ethics: Agents, Artifacts and New Cultural Perspectives. 2006

L. Floridi (guest editor), Minds & Machines (Kluwer), special issue on The Philosophy of Information. 2003.

L. Floridi (guest editor), Etica & Politica (Department of Philosophy, University of Trieste), special issue on Computer Ethics. November, 1999.


L. Floridi - J W Sanders, "Internet Ethics: the Constructionist Values of Homo Poieticus", invited chapter in The Impact of the Internet on Our Moral Lives, edited by Robert Cavalier. SUNY, 2003.

L. Floridi - J W Sanders, "On the Morality of Artificial Agents", in Marturano A. and Introna L. (eds.), Ethics of Virtualities - Essays on the limits of the bio-power technologies. Culture Machine, Athlone Press, London. [pdf]


L. Floridi (editor), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information (Oxford - New York: Blackwell, 2003). [html].

L. Floridi, Philosophy and Computing: An Introduction (London - New York: Routledge, 1999).
[webliography] | [chapter five] | [section "Turing vs. Super-Turing: a Defence of the Church-Turing Thesis"] | [electronic book ]

L. Floridi (consultant editor), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy on CD-ROM (London - New York: Routledge, 1999) [html].


Miguel Sicart, "Computer Games, Players, Ethics", PhD Dissertation, IT University of Copenhagen, a.y. 2006. Supervisors: Espen Aarseth Charles Ess [pdf]

Will Harwood, "Ethics and Artificial Life", MSc Project, The University of Oxford, a.y. 2000-1. Supervisors: L. Floridi and J. Sanders [pdf]

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