Minutes of Meetings of the Algebra of Programming Research Group in 1997

The schedule for Hilary Term 1997 was as follows:
Week 1: Jan 24, Satnam Singh, University of Glasgow
Circuit Design in HaskellHard.

Week 2: Jan 31, Michael Spivey, University of Oxford
Deriving an hardware compiler from operational semantics.

Week 3: Feb 7, Michael Schenke, University of Oxford
Using ProCos methods in hardware design.

Week 4: Feb 14, Mark Jones, University of Nottingham
First-class polymorphism with type inference.

Week 5: Feb 21, (no seminar)
IFIP conference.

Week 6: Feb 28, Sharon Curtis, University of Oxford
Dynamic Programming

Week 7: Mar 7, Jeremy Gibbons, Oxford Brookes
List theory speeds up parallel tree algorithms.

Week 8: Mar 14, Joe Stoy, University of Oxford
Lambda-S: A calculus with sharing and side-effects
The schedule for Trinity Term 1997 was as follows:
Week 0: April 21, Andreas Hamfelt, University of Uppsala
Towards a logic programming methodology based on higher-order predicates time: 12:30, place: 147

Week 1: May 2, Keith Hanna, University of Kent
Reasoning about real digital systems. time: 12:30, place: 147 (hardware compilation seminar)

Week 2: May 9, Bill McColl, University of Oxford
BSP Algorithm Design.

Week 3: May 16, Richard Bornat, Queen Mary
Cuts, forward proof and equational reasoning in Jape.

Week 4: May 23, Tony Hoare, University of Oxford
Unifying theories of parallel programming.

Week 5: May 30, Matteo Vaccari, University of Milan
Relational derivation of regular language recognizing circuits.

Week 6: June 6, Graham Megson, University of Reading
Regular Arrays: Old Ideas - New Perspectives.

Week 7: June 13, Richard Bird, University of Oxford
A Polytypic Pattern-Matching Algorithm.

Week 8: June 20, Netty van Gasteren, University of Eindhoven
On Calculation

Week 1: Jan 24, Satnam Singh, University of Glasgow
Circuit Design in HaskellHard.

This talk describes our experience of using the Haskell lazy functional programming language to describe and actually generate real circuits. `HaskellHard' is the name of a collection of Haskell modules that provide a convenient way to describe digital circuits using combinators to capture behaviour and lazyout. The choice of combinators is based on those found in the Ruby relational hardware description language desgined by Geraint Jones and Mary Sheeran. Graphics circuits have been designed for use in an EPSRC project that is developing hardware to accelerate PostScript rendering. Circuits can be simulated or symbolically evaluated using the Haskell Class system. This allows us to have many interpretations for one description. We can generate output in the industry standard hardware description language VHDL, or in EDIF for entry into conventional CAD tools to allow us to realise our desings on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). FPGAs are Lego-like circuits that can be rapidly reconfigured at run-time to assume new logical operations. We use the Xilinx XC6200 series of FPGAs. We shall relate our approach to the Handle language which has been very successfully used by Ian Page's group.

Week 2: Jan 31, Michael Spivey, University of Oxford
Deriving a hardware compiler from operational semantics.

Recent work on hardware compilers at Oxford has centred on the idea of using a single programming language to describe both hardware and software designs. Because we contemplate a wide range of implementations for our language, including high and low-level simulators as well as production compilers into hardware and software, it becomes important to have an implementation-independent account of the meaning of the language and a disciplined way of developing implementations that are faithful to this meaning. I shall report on an approach to deriving correct compilers that starts with operational semantics. By developing a data representation for the abstract states in the semantics, it becomes possible to represent the action of the program by a set of transition rules. The many rules that govern different stages in the program's execution can be merged into a single schematic rule, and this single rule may be re-interpreted as a design for a hardware implementation of the program's control and a specification for a datapath that supports it.

Week 3: Feb 7, Michael Schenke, University of Oxford
Using ProCos methods in hardware design.

A key issue in the ProCoS project was to bridge different levels of abstraction in a development process, like requirements' analysis, specification, implementation. A combination of several description techniques each of which is best suited for one particular level of abstraction raises the risk of introducing errors when crossing the interfaces between different levels. An alternative is the use of only one mathematical model for all levels. Such a solution has been aimed at in ProCoS, and this idea has been applied to hardware design. The specification level is represented by the occam-based language Handel, the implementation level is given by gates, multiplexers etc. On the top of Handel we set an interval temporal logic, the duration calculus (DC), which allows to express properties of specifications and implementations. All levels are based on the same semantical model, so-called timing diagrams. Between the levels an implementation relation is defined, basically set inclusion but with a mathematical twist which will be explained. A combination of a set of CSP-like algebraic and other ``obvious'' refinement rules allows to prove properties of implementations. The mathematical analysis of the development method is influenced by the following observations: A Handel version, which combines the OCCAM-like point to point communication with a communication via shared variables, has been ivestigated. It is very difficult to find a denotational semantics for a language which has a complex parallelism like this. 2.) During the design synthesis transformations timing nondeterminism is retained as long as possible so that for example decisions for a parallel or sequential implementation of the specifications can be postponed to a later stage. This has the consequence that the interdependencies between the timing of the parallel and sequential composition inevitably become very complex. 3.) Any approach where the semantics of all abstraction levels is expressed in a uniform model leads inevitably to a certain degree of complexity in the description of the operators. The approach will be illustrated by the example of a Bus Arbitration Circuit.

Week4: Feb 14, Mark Jones, University of Nottingham
First-class polymorphism with type inference.

Languages like ML and Haskell encourage the view of values as first-class entities that can be passed as arguments or results of functions, or stored as components of data structures. The same languages offer parametric polymorphism, which allows the use of values that behave uniformly over a range of different types. But the combination of these features is not supported---polymorphic values are not first-class. This restriction is sometimes attributed to the dependence of such languages on type inference, in contrast to more expressive, explicitly typed languages, like System F, that do support first-class polymorphism. In this talk, we use relationships between types and logic to develop a type system, FCP, that supports first-class polymorphism, type inference, and also first-class abstract datatypes. The immediate result is a more expressive language, but there are also long term implications for language design.

Week 6: Feb 28, Sharon Curtis, University of Oxford
Dynamic Programming.

Dynamic programming has long been used as an algorithm design technique, with various mathematical theories proposed to model it. In this talk, a different perspective will be examined, using the relational calculus to model both problems and their solutions obtained from dynamic programming. This approach serves to shed new light on the different styles of dynamic programming, representing them by different search strategies of the tree-like space of partial solutions.

Week 7: Mar 7, Jeremy Gibbons, Oxford Brookes
List Theory Speeds Up Parallel Tree Algorithms.

A downwards accumulation is an operation on trees, distributing information downwards from the root towards the leaves; every node in the tree is replaced by some function h of its ancestors. A simple parallel algorithm computes a downwards accumulation in time proportional to the depth of the tree. Efficiency considerations suggest that the function h should be evaluated from top to bottom on the path of ancestors; manipulability considerations suggest bottom to top. These two considerations, together with Bird's Third Homomorphism Theorem (stating that a function on lists that can be evaluated both from left to right and from right to left can be evaluated according to an arbitrary parenthesization of the list), lead to a parallel algorithm for downwards accumulations running in time proportional to the logarithm of the depth of the tree.

Week 0: April 21, Andreas Hamfelt, University of Uppsala
Towards a logic programming methodology based on higher-order predicates.

We outline a logic programming methodology which applies standardized logic program recursion forms afforded by a system of general purpose recursion schemes. The recursion schemes are conceived of as quasi higher-order predicates which accept predicate arguments, thereby representing parameterized program modules. This use of higher-order predicates is analogous to higher-order functionals in functional programming. However, these quasi higher-order predicates are handled by a metalogic programming technique within ordinary logic programming. Some of the proposed recursion operators are actualizations of mathematical induction principles (e.g. structural induction as generalization of primitive recursion). Others are heuristic schemes for commonly occurring recursive program forms. The intention is to handle all recursions in logic programs through the given repertoire of higher-order predicates. We carry out a pragmatic feasibility study of the proposed recursion operators with respect to the corpus of common textbook logic programs. This pragmatic investigation is accompanied with an analysis of the theoretical expressivity. The main theoretical results concerning computability are:

  • Primitive recursive functions can be re-expressed in logic programming by predicates defined solely by non-recursive clauses augmented with a fold recursion predicate akin to the fold operators in functional programming.
  • General recursive functions can be re-expressed likewise since fold allows re-expression of a linrec recursion predicate facilitating linear, unbounded recursion.

Week 1: May 2, Keith Hanna, University of Kent
Reasoning about real digital systems.

The relation between the structure and the behaviour of a digital circuit formed from ideal gates is simple: the behaviour is described by a term whose intension corresponds to the structure of the circuit. In practice, however, digital designers often make use of adirectional configurations such as tristate busses or devices such as pass transistors. For this more general class of non-ideal digital systems, the relation between structure and behaviour is less straightforward. In particular, it is generally necessary to take account of both voltages and currents and it may also be necessary at times to reason at the analogue level of abstraction. In this talk I will describe how, using higher-order logic, the behavioural specifications of non-ideal digital systems can be expressed in a way that is rigorous and yet intuitive. In formulating such specifications, and in describing the abstraction relation between analogue and digital levels, it is necessary to pay careful attention to describing "non-digital" or "don't care" values. Here, category theory can provide some useful insight. Given behavioural specifications of the component devices in a system, useful properties of the system, such as correctness or compositionality, can be determined either by formal deduction or, in many cases, by using decision procedures based on constraint programming.

Week 2: May 9, Bill McColl, University of Oxford.
BSP Algorithm Design.

I will show how to design BSP algorithms which are efficient in terms of computation, communication and synchronisation (and in many cases optimal with respect to one or more of these three basic complexity measures.) The problems considered will include various standard matrix computations such as matrix-vector product, matrix multiplication, LU decomposition, and the algebraic path problem.

Week 3: May 16, Richard Bornat, Queen Mary and Westfield
Unification, provisos and substitution: animating proof-on-paper in Jape.

Jape is a proof calculator which allows its users to make steps of inference which they might make on paper or blackboard, using the same rules, the same syntax and the same logical provisos that they would use on paper or blackboard. Jape appears on the surface to be very simple, but to preserve this illusion it is necessary for it to exploit the properties of substitution and interactions between unification, substitution and provisos. Ingenious use of provisos allows deferred decisions about unification and thereby inference steps; use of hidden provisos allows it to interpret predicate notation. The talk will reveal the algorithms that are used by Jape to exploit the semantics of logical provisos, while keeping them as far as possible hidden from the user's eye.

Week 4: May 23, Tony Hoare, Oxford
Unifying theories of parallel programming.

Consider a spreadsheet whose rows are summed by an operator $\oplus$ and whose columns are summed by a different operator $\otimes$. The value at the bottom right corner can be computed either as the rowsum of the bottom row of columnsums or as the columnsum of the rightmost column of rowsums. The spreadsheet principle ($aka$ interchange or abides) states that the value is the same, independent of the manner of computation. How does this principle apply to theories of parallel programming? Consider parallel execution of a pair of processes $P$ and $Q$ which update a single shared variable $m$ by actions of the form $m:= m \oplus e$. But run them instead on private copies of $m$, called $O.m$ and $I.m$. When they both have terminated, they usually offer different final values. These values must then be merged to a single final value by some operation $M$ for example\\[2ex] $\left. \begin{tabular}{@{}ll} & $m:= m \oplus (x \otimes y)$ \\ where &$O.m = m \oplus x$ \\ % \hspace{3cm} & $I.m = m \oplus y $ \end{tabular} \right\} $ for some $x, y$ \\[2ex] This account of parallel composition is compositional: properties of the program are derived from those of its component processes. But in a practical implementation it is usually more efficient to maintain a single copy of $m$, and update it by some interleaving of actions contributed by the two processes. Such an implementation is best described by algebraic laws which look like an operational semantics, e.g., $$(m:= m \oplus e; (P \| Q)) \Rightarrow (m:= m \oplus e; P) \| Q$$ The validity of the algebraic laws, and so the consistency of the efficient with the conceptual implementation, are critically dependent on the spreadsheet principle and it non-deterministic extensions. The theory applies directly to a broad family of parallel programming paradigms, including BSP, SCCS, ACP, and CSP.

Week 5: May 30, Matteo Vaccari, University of Milan
Relational derivation of regular expression recognizing circuits.

The goal is to obtain a syntax-directed translation from regular expressions to Ruby-style circuits. Our first design produces circuits that are essentially functional programs. This design is then modified by means of standard techniques such as retiming, slowdown and pipelining, so to obtain faster circuits. Different designs can be obtained, with performance optimized for regular expressions where "sequence" predominates over "choice", or the other way around.

Week 6: June 6, Graham Megson, University of Reading
Regular Arrays: Old Ideas - New Perspectives.

Since the introduction of Systolic Computation (circa 1979) there has been much development work the idea of regular computations and the growth of a considerable volume of literature on synthesis techniques. Nevertheless the concept and exploitation of regular array computations seemed to be destined for niche markets and the fruit seemed set to wither on the vine. More recently synthesis has begun to merge with compiler technology. The drop in cost performance of modern devices, the arrival of low cost FPGA devices, coupled with the growing area of hardware-software co-design have breathed new life into the area. This lecture will outline these established techniques and outline a new philospohy towards their application. Several examples from Genetic Algorithms to Data Compression will be considered.

Week 7: June 13, Richard Bird, University of Oxford
Polytypic Pattern Matching.

A polytypic program is a program that is parameterised by one or more datatypes. Such programs express the deep structure of a whole class of algorithms, and may prove to be a key idea in the area of software reuse. In this talk we will consider the pattern-matching problem as an exemplar of the polytypic approach.

Week 8: June 20, Netty van Gasteren, University of Eindhoven
On Calculation.

We all know that, in principle, a calculational style of reasoning can greatly contribute to the trustworthy design of programs and proofs. The question is : what is an effective calculation and, more importantly, how can we make our calculations effective? In this talk we will try to answer this question. We will illustrate the choices and problems that face the calculating computing scientist, by means of examples taken from the literature. We will also discuss various ways in which we can influence and improve the quality of our calculations.

Oege de Moor (oege@comlab.ox.ac.uk)

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