Research Topics in the Algebra of Programming Research Group

This page gives brief outlines of some of the areas of interest of the Algebra of Programming group. Cross-references to the publication list are given, and also some links to related web pages.

The following topics are included:

Functional programming

The main aim of the Algebra of Programming group is to develop clear and concise notations for writing programs. Functional programming, which might be thought of as `programming with expressions' (as opposed to `programming with actions'), encourages such clarity and concision. We are interested in expanding the applications of functional programming to a wider range of problems, and in better understanding how to exploit the particular features of functional programming languages.

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Categories of relations

Functional programming is very elegant, but it turns out that functions are somewhat restrictive, especially when trying to model `specifications' as well as `implementations'. In particular, it is often natural to want to under-specify a problem, if several possible outputs are equally acceptable. Using a functional paradigm prohibits such underspecification, requiring an implementation decision to be made earlier than is desirable, and restricting available choice in further development. Relations, on the other hand, easily model such non-determinism; they also encompass other useful operations such as converse and conjunction. This research aims to develop sound foundations for relational languages, and to investigate programming with relations.

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Purely functional data structures

One strength of modern functional programming languages is in handling data-structures: automatic garbage collection and the absence (or ubiquity) of references mean that data structure manipulation is often much simpler and clearer than in traditional imperative languages. However, some efficient data structures seem to require impure languages features such as destructive updates; an ongoing research problem is to explore and expand the boundaries of what can be achieved efficiently in a purely functional paradigm.

A particular area of recent interest is that of nested datatypes. In a so-called `regular' datatype definitions, such as lists:

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
recursive instances of the type have the same parameters as the defining instance. In contrast, in a nested datatype such as power lists:
data Pow a = Zero a | Succ (Pow (a,a))
the recursive instances can have different parameters. Such datatypes seem capable of providing `structure invariants'; for example, power lists have length exactly a power of two. We are trying to understand the semantics and capabilities of such datatypes, and to see how they influence programming.

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Algorithm design

This research aims to provide concise theorems capturing the use of general algorithmic paradigms, such as dynamic programming and branch-and-bound. Typical applications include algorithms for sequence comparison, data compression and graph problems.

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Unifying Functional and Logic Programming

Hoare's Unified Theory of Programming gives a single framework for describing the algebraic semantics of different programming paradigms. This work aims to incorporate the missing parts of the logic programming paradigm into this unified theory. This is achieved via a shallow embedding of Prolog into a lazy functional language, preserving both the declarative and the procedural reading of the Prolog predicate. (In the standard approach to mapping logic programs to functional ones, the declarative reading is lost.)

A related line of research is our work on compositional logic programming. This aims to combine the benefits of logic programming (very high-level declarative specifications, thanks to the absence of a distinction between inputs and outputs) and functional programming (compositionality, thanks to higher-order operators). These goals are similar to those of the functional logic language and the higher-order logic programming communities, but our methods are a little different.

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Hardware design

Ruby is a relational programming language suited to the design of synchronous hardware. The derivation of a Ruby design from a high-level specification proceeds by equational reasoning, in a similar way to the derivation of an efficient functional program from an obvious one. This research is to use such derivations to control the complexity of large designs, and to improve the designer's confidence in their correctness.

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Generic programming

Generic programming is about raising the level of abstraction of programs. Generic programs are polymorphic, but typically in a wider sense than the traditional one. Thus, traditional polymorphic programs might be parameterized by a type, working equally well for (say) lists of integers, lists of characters, lists of functions, and so on. A generic program might be parameterized by a richer structure, such as a type constructor (eg lists vs trees), another program (as in component-oriented programming), or even a programming paradigm (eg functional vs relational programming). Genericity has been recognized as an important concept in both functional and object-oriented programming. A theory of generic programming will clearly be very flexible and powerful; the problem that we are trying to address is to control this flexibility without overly restricting its use, yielding a disciplined theory of meta-programming.

A three-year EPSRC-funded project on Datatype-Generic Programming is concentrating on this topic.

Related links:

Coinductive programming

An inductive program has a structure that reflects the structure of its inputs; for example, the function sum, which sums a list of integers:

sum [] = 0
sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs
Dually, a coinductive program has a structure that reflects the structure of its outputs; for example, the function range, which generates a list of integers:
range (m,n) = [], if m>n
= m : range (m+1,n), otherwise
Note that with sum, the list constructors appear on the left-hand side, whereas with range they appear on the right.

Inductive programming has been well explored, and is well understood, but it is only half of the story. We are investigating coinductive programming, the other half; we hope to make it as popular and as widely accepted.

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Jeremy Gibbons (Jeremy.Gibbons@comlab.ox.ac.uk)

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