@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sebd/CaliGL09, title = "A General Datalog-Based Framework for Tractable Query Answering over Ontologies (Extended Abstract)", author = "Andrea Cal\`{\i} and Georg Gottlob and Thomas Lukasiewicz", year = "2009", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, SEBD 2009, Camogli, Italy, June 21-24, 2009", editor = "Valeria De Antonellis and Silvana Castano and Barbara Catania and Giovanna Guerrini", isbn = "978-88-6122-154-3", pages = "29-36", publisher = "Edizioni Seneca", url = "http://www.kr.tuwien.ac.at/staff/lukasiew/sebd09b.pdf", }