Book cover  Other CSP texts and resources

The author recommends three other general texts on CSP.

Hoare's original Communicating Sequential Processes (Prentice-Hall, 1985) was the first, and defining text. It can be downloaded here.  This book provides an elegant introduction to the notation, philosophy, and pre-automated reasoning methods for CSP.

The author's first book Theory and Practice of Concurrency (Prentice-Hall, 1997) is an essential companion to any in-depth study using UCS since it provides a reference for much material that the newer book does not cover in detail.  It first appeared online in a modified web edition in 2005.  Here is a further slightly modified version: the changes are (i) slightly different formatting (ii) the removal of an additional section (on the Bully Algorithm) that was in the original web edition but not in the print version and (iii) the out-of-date index in the web edition has been fixed. (The reason for removing the Bully Algorithm is that the treatment of this was much improved and corrected for UCS.)

Steve Schneider's book Concurrent and real-time systems: the CSP approach (Wiley, 1999) provides a general introduction to CSP but also introduces Timed CSP. The text of this book can be found here.

There are also two more specialised books:

The modelling and analysis of security protocols, the CSP approach, by Goldsmith, Lowe, Roscoe, Ryan and Schneider (Addison Wesley, 2001) contains a brief general introduction to CSP but, as the title suggests, concentrates mainly on how to model and analyse security protocols using CSP coupled with FDR and other tools. It is now available on line here.

Timed CSP (the topic of Chapter 15 of UCS) was originally developed by the author and Mike Reed, and was taken further by Steve Schneider (see above) and Jim Davies.  Davies' doctoral thesis won the BCS Distinguished Dissertation Award which resulted it being published as the book Specification and proof in real-time CSP (CUP, 1993).  It is available on Google Books.

Web sites of interest to CSP users include the following, each of which has many links.

Wikipedia article
CSP archive

This site is presently under construction