I am a doctoral student in the KRR group. My research focuses on consequence-based reasoning algorithms for fast ontology classification. I work both on an efficient implementation of the algorithm for the relatively simple EL family of description logics, and on extensions of the algorithm to support additional features such as disjunctions, negations, universal restrictions, or nominals.
I am one of the delevopers of ELK, an EL reasoner written in Java which uses concurrent computation for highest performance. Previously, I also developed ConDOR, an experimental reasoner written in C++ for the description logic SH.
Best student paper at DL 2012.
Hoare Prize for the best overall performance in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2009 - University of Oxford.
BT Prize for the best overall performance in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2008 - University of Oxford.
Silver medal in ACM-ICPC 2009.
First prize in VJIMC 2009.
Consequence-Based and Fixed-Parameter Tractable Reasoning in Description Logics
Artificial Intelligence 2014
@article{SMH14:fpt, author = {Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k and Boris Motik and Ian Horrocks}, title = {Consequence-Based and Fixed-Parameter Tractable Reasoning in Description Logics}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence}, volume = {209}, year = {2014}, pages = {29-77}, }
The Incredible ELK: From Polynomial Procedures to Efficient Reasoning with EL Ontologies
JAR 2013
@article{KKS13:elk, author = {Yevgeny Kazakov and Markus Kr{\"o}tzsch and Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k}, title = {The Incredible {ELK}: From Polynomial Procedures to Efficient Reasoning with $\mathcal{EL}$ Ontologies}, journal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {1-61}, year = {2013}, }
Consequence-Based Reasoning for Ontology Classification
PhD thesis 2013
@phdthesis{Simancik:thesis, author = {Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k}, title = {Consequence-Based Reasoning for Ontology Classification}, school = {University of Oxford}, year = {2013}, }
ELK Reasoner: Architecture and Evaluation
ORE Workshop 2012
@inproceedings{KKS12:ore, author = {Yevgeny Kazakov and Markus Kr{\"o}tzsch and Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k}, title = {ELK Reasoner: Architecture and Evaluation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {OWL} Reasoner Evaluation Workshop (ORE'12)}, editor = {Ian Horrocks, Mikalai Yatskevich, ` Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {858}, year = {2012}, }
Elimination of Complex RIAs without Automata
DL Workshop 2012
@inproceedings{Simancik12:rias, author = {Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k}, title = {Elimination of Complex {RIAs} without Automata}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'12)}, editor = {Yevgeny Kazakov, Domenico Lembo, Frank Wolter}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {846}, year = {2012}, }
Practical Reasoning with Nominals in the EL Family of Description Logics
KR 2012
@inproceedings{KKS12:nominals, author = {Yevgeny Kazakov and Markus Kr{\"o}tzsch and Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k}, title = {Practical Reasoning with Nominals in the {$\mathcal{EL}$} Family of Description Logics}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'12)}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, pages = {264-274}, year = {2012}, }
Concurrent Classification of EL Ontologies
ISWC 2011
@inproceedings{KKS11:concurrent, author = {Yevgeny Kazakov and Markus Kr{\"o}tzsch and Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k}, title = {Concurrent Classification of $\mathcal{EL}$ Ontologies}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC'11)}, editor = {Lora Aroyo and Chris Welty and Harith Alani and Jamie Taylor and Abraham Bernstein and Lalana Kagal and Natasha Noy and Eva Blomqvist}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {7032}, pages = {305-320}, year = {2011}, }
Unchain My EL Reasoner
DL Workshop 2011
@inproceedings{KKS11:unchain, author = {Yevgeny Kazakov and Markus Kr{\"o}tzsch and Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k}, title = {Unchain My $\mathcal{EL}$ Reasoner}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'10)}, editor = {Riccardo Rosati and Sebastian Rudolph and Michael Zakharyaschev}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {745}, year = {2011}, }
Fixed Parameter Tractable Reasoning in DLs via Decomposition
DL Workshop 2011
@inproceedings{SMK11:decomposition, author = {Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k and Boris Motik and Markus Kr{\"o}tzsch}, title = {Fixed Parameter Tractable Reasoning in {DLs} via Decomposition}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL'10)}, editor = {Riccardo Rosati and Sebastian Rudolph and Michael Zakharyaschev}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, volume = {745}, year = {2011}, }
Consequence-Based Reasoning beyond Horn Ontologies
IJCAI 2011
@inproceedings{SKH11:condor, author = {Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k and Yevgeny Kazakov and Ian Horrocks}, title = {Consequence-Based Reasoning beyond {Horn} Ontologies}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'11)}, editor = {Toby Walsh}, publisher = {AAAI Press/IJCAI}, pages = {1093--1098}, year = {2011}, }
A CCG-based System for Valence Shifting for Sentiment Analysis
CICLing 2009, poster session
Research in Computing Science, vol. 41, 2009
@article{SimancikLee2009:sentiment, author = {Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k and Mark Lee}, title = {A {CCG}-based System for Valence Shifting for Sentiment Analysis}, journal = {Research in Computing Science}, volume = {41}, pages = {99-108}, year = {2009}, }
On Recombination-Induced Multiple and Simultaneous Coalescent Events
Genetics, vol. 177, December 2007
@article{DSLMH2007:recombination, title = {On recombination induced multiple and simultaneous coalescent events.}, author = {Davies, J.L. and Siman\v{c}\'{i}k, F. and Lyngsoe, R.B. and Mailund, T. and Hein, J.J.}, journal = {Genetics}, volume = {177}, number = {4}, pages = {2151-2160}, year = {2007}, }
Consequence-Based Reasoning for SHIQ
Technical report, 2013
@techreport{cb-SHIQ, title = {Consequence-Based Reasoning for $\mathcal{SHIQ}$}, author = {Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k and Andrew Bate}, institution = {University of Oxford}, year = {2013}, note = {Available at \url{http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/isg/people/frantisek.simancik/}} }
ELK: A Reasoner for OWL EL Ontologies
Technical report, 2012
@techreport{KKS12:elk, author = {Yevgeny Kazakov and Markus Kr{\"o}tzsch and Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k}, title = {{ELK:} A Reasoner for {OWL EL} Ontologies}, type = {System Description}, institution = {University of Oxford}, year = {2012}, note = {Available at \url{http://code.google.com/p/elk-reasoner/wiki/Publications}} }
A Description Logic Primer
arXiv.org, 2012
@article{KSH12:dlprimer, author = {Markus Kr{\"o}tzsch and Franti\v{s}ek Siman\v{c}\'{i}k and Ian Horrocks}, title = {A Description Logic Primer}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1201.4089}, year = {2012}, ee = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.4089} }
František Simančík
Doctoral Student
The KRR group has new postdoctoral positions available! Research topic includes Ontology, Knowledge Graph, Semantic Web, Logics, as well as the interdisciplinary between them and machine learning. Send your CV to Ian or Bernardo. [added on 26/11/2019]
The paper "Knowledge Graph Embedding for Ecotoxicological Effect Prediction" gets In-Use Track Best Student Paper in ISWC'19. The work was done when the first student author Erik B. Myklebust was visiting the KRR group, with Jiaoyan Chen.
Three papers co-authored by the KRR group have been accepted in
- "Stream Reasoning in Temporal Datalog"
by A. Ronca, M. Kaminski, B. Cuenca Grau, B. Motik, and I. Horrocks;
- "Optimised Maintenance of Datalog Materialisations"
by P. Hu, B. Motik, and I. Horrocks; and
- "Goal-Driven Query Answering for Existential Rules with Equality"
by M. Benedikt, B. Motik, and E. Tsamoura.
Professor Ian Horrocks received an honorary doctorate from the University of Oslo.
The paper entitled "Foundations of Declarative Data Analysis Using Limit Datalog Programs" and authored by M. Kaminski, B. Cuenca Grau, B. Motik, E. V. Kostylev, and I. Horrocks received the best paper award at the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'17).
Three papers co-authored by the KRR group have been accepted in
- "Query Reformulation: Theory and Practice"
by M. Benedikt, E. V. Kostylev, F. Mogavero, and E. Tsamoura;
- "Foundations of Declarative Data Analysis Using Limit Datalog Programs"
M. Kaminski, B. Cuenca Grau, B. Motik, E. V. Kostylev, and I. Horrocks; and
- "The Bag Semantics of Ontology-Based Data Access"
by C. Nikolaou, E. V. Kostylev, G. Konstantinidis, M. Kaminski, B. Cuenca Grau, and I. Horrocks.
The paper entitled "Benchmarking the chase" authored by Michael Benedikt, George Konstantinidis, Giansalvatore Mecca, Boris Motik, Paolo Papotti, Donatello Santoro, and Efthymia Tsamoura has been accepted in PODS'17.
Andrew Bate has successfully defended his PhD Thesis on Consequence Based Reasoning. Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Bate!
Our paper entitled "Semantic Technologies for Data Analysis in Health Care" received the Best Applications Paper Award at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016).
Four papers authored by the KRR group have been accepted in the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2016).
Mark Kaminski and Egor Kostylev received the best paper award at ICDT 2016 for their paper entitled "Beyond Well-Designed SPARQL".